We are excited to be offering a fresh new Holiday Program for our Diamonds,Opals, Emeralds and Sapphires in week 11 of Term 4, 2023.This week is highly recommended as continual learning through the holiday period plays an important part of the program.

The WAG SUMMER CLINIC has been split across 4 days of training and all gymnasts are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity and BOOK your attendance below. All sessions are from 2.00-6.00pm.
As per Competitive Agreement the following number of sessions are compulsory per squad and will be invoiced accordingly:
Sapphire and Emerald = 3 sessions – optional 4th session
Opal and Diamonds = 4 sessions

Bookings are essential to ensure the programming is sufficient and enough staff is allocated for each lesson.
If your family is away these holidays you still need to confirm this via the booking form, please leave a reason in the comments box at the bottom of the form
January training will be out shortly to start off the new year from Wednesday 3rd of January 2023.

Let’s celebrate the end of the training year with a splash! 


Join us at our WAG Competitive breakup at the Aqua Park for a fun and social party!
Invited squads are: Sapphire, Emerald, Opal and Diamonds
Register your attendance on the form below
Cost for this event is $20 per gymnast and will be invoiced with your December Holiday Training invoice.

I would like to book for the following Competitive Squad Sessions
3 Sessions = $90, 4 Sessions = $120
I would like to book for the following Competitive Squad Sessions
4 Sessions = $120
Please select attending sessions *
My gymnast will NOT be attending any Holiday Training these school holidays
Cairns Aqua Park Fun Day - Friday 15th December 2.00-4.00pm, $20 per gymnast
Cost $20 per gymnast. This is a social event and is optional to attend